GOAL - REACH 5,000 Kms - Walking and Jogging to Fitness!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bluffer's Park, Marina and Beach


The Scarborough Bluffs stretch for about 14 kms along the Lake Ontario shore, from the Eastern Beaches of Toronto in the west, to West Hill in the east. At their highest at Cliffside, the bluffs rise 65 m above the water. The bluffs have been formed primarily by erosion of the packed clay soil. In some places, such as the western end of Bluffers Park, the erosion has shaped the clay into interesting shapes.  
The Scarborough Bluffs are an escarpment in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, along the shoreline of Lake Ontario. The escarpment forms the old shoreline of Lake Iroquois, formed after the last ice age, approximately 13,000 years ago. 

I felt I was ready for the 'plunge'.


I live overlooking Lake Ontario. The shoreline has eroded and resembles the white cliffs of Dover. It is called Scarborough Bluffs.
In March I could only walk 1/2 a block. 
And imagine I was tackling THIS!

I trained for it (kinda hard because Toronto is so FLAT!). But I increased my walking distance to as much as 8 kms.
In a 5 Km walk, I could visit Cathedral Bluffs Park where the overview of the pleasures and delights below are so me to the shore, not just the view on top. You overlook a great park with picnic tables, a Yacht Club with several marinas, a very well groomed beach complete with fun lifeguards, and further east, a beach that is less traveled and of course, it is there I want to be. This part of the beach, you can let your dog off leash. I couldn't wait to get Dexter down there.
I plucked up my courage and 48 hours ago, I actually did it. I was so excited at my boldness. I didn't tell anyone I was going because I was scared if I failed, I would be ashamed.
But I succeded! I conquered Bluffs Mountain!

I enjoyed listening to the sounds of the wild on the way down and the way back: birds, wind rustling leaves in the trees and also playing with my hair, cicadas singing in the heat, and the wonderful sense of PEACE pervading all over. It was magical. 

It was also 7.18 kms! 

Loved it!



  1. Good for you, Dahlingk!
    I too have always thought of the Bluffs as rather special, and compared them to the "White Cliffs of Dover". Very happy for you and this personal victory!

  2. Hi you look incredible. Especially if you are as high and craggy as those bluffs!
    ha ha ha
    Actually like the cliffs, you take my breath away!

  3. I'll admit it, I'm lurking. You look great and are doing awesome!

    -Fellow Sparkperson.
